Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

June 5, 2023

Radiator | Radiator Software

Radiator is the AAA server for serious ISPs and carriers who want power and flexibility to meet the needs of their changing technical environment and growing user base. Our customers say that Radiator is the Swiss Army knife of RADIUS servers

(mcorbin.fr): Le Tech radar de 2023

Un tech radar par mcorbin, pas très objectif par moment, mais ça reste l'esprit du blog.

(mcorbin.fr): L'architecture d'Appclacks de A à Z

Appclacks is a cloud monitoring platform allowing users to create, manage and run various health checks to monitor the health of websites and infrastructures.

Appclacks can monitor public endpoints by executing configured health checks on them from multiple point of presences. But unlike alternatives, Appclacks can also be used to monitor private infrastructures. The prober used by Appclacks named Cabourotte is a free software that you can host on your private infrastructure and plug on the Appclacks API to autoconfigure it.